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Ductless Split AC Systems

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Ductless Split AC Systems vs Central Air Units

What is the difference between a Ductless Split/ Ductless Mini Split AC System and a Standard Central Air Unit? They have very few similarities such as they have outside units and have cooper tubing throughout them. In ductless systems, cold air does not come through ducts but rather a blower unit. The mower unit can be attached to the wall or the celling.

Aire Serv Ductless Split AC Systems

Ductless Split AC Systems Advantages

Limited noise comfort
Central air can create unwanted noise as the air goes through the system and hits the ducts. Ductless split systems are much quieter as they do not have ducts.

You can decide where you specifically want the cool air or heat to be going. For example, if a certain room in your house is always colder than the others in the winter, the blower unit can specifically treat that room. You have full control over the temperature of the rooms in your home.

Ductless split air conditioning systems are very efficient. They have a high rating in Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which means they are electricity efficient. Ductless air systems also efficiently maintain temperatures as there is nothing blocking the air flow to possibly disrupt the cool or warm air.

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Ductless Split/Mini Split AC Systems and Heating

Mini split and ductless split systems are a great way to keep your home quiet and efficient in heating as well as cooling. Give Aire Serv® a call today to receive a free estimate and see if a ductless split or a mini split system is right for you.